報名起迄 | 2023-02-23 00:00 ~ 2023-06-02 11:00 |
活動短網址 | https://event.ithu.tw/2023020060 |
開放對象 | 教職員、學生 |
承辦單位 | 雙語教學推動辦公室 |
There will be eight meetings of the English Corner in Spring 2023. Students who participate in six out of eight meetings will receive a Certificate of Participation.
**Snacks and drinks will be offered to participants if you sign up before 5 p.m. the day before the event.**
場次名稱 | 地 點 | 日 期 | 時 間 | 時 數 | 名 額 | 已報名 |
Practice Your English in a Fun and Relaxing Way with Classmates and Friends. 加入Google行事曆 | M146 | 2023-03-03 ~ 2023-03-03 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1 | 60 | 10 |
What's Your Comfort Food? 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-03-17 ~ 2023-03-17 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1 | 40 | 24 |
How to Sound Smart When Talking about Movies 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-03-24 ~ 2023-03-24 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1.5 | 30 | 9 |
To Be or Not to Be a YouTuber 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-04-21 ~ 2023-04-21 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1.5 | 30 | 11 |
First Impressions Matter: Small Talk Ideas 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-04-28 ~ 2023-04-28 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1.5 | 30 | 9 |
Sambal! Come and Have a Taste of the Famous Indonesian Condiment 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-05-12 ~ 2023-05-12 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1.5 | 30 | 12 |
Let's Party! What about K-pop This Time? 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-05-26 ~ 2023-05-26 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1.5 | 30 | 19 |
English Corner 0602 加入Google行事曆 | M156 | 2023-06-02 ~ 2023-06-02 | 12:15 ~ 13:30 | 1.5 | 30 | 8 |